FileMaker Manipulation

While my initial work with organizing my data was complete, the next steps in my research would contain further manipulation and altering of the dataset. The text files that I created within Atom are an extremely easy dataset to adjust. Many of the programs I have attempted to use on my dataset need slight modifications to the structure of the data. As previously discussed, I wanted to gain a better grasp of using topic modeling on the dataset. However, I would have to adjust the data once more to place it within the right format to use such programs as Zotero or Paper Machines.

My first change to the data would be to place it within FileMaker. While I have the dataset in Atom, I needed to create a CSV file to import into FileMaker. This was a rather simple task that included more use of regular expressions. The data has separate writing accounts of each officer and the precincts. Thus my CSV file would contain two columns. One column contained the officer or precinct name and the other would contain the writing on that partiuclar topic. I was hoping this would allow myself to single out each component of the data and in the future anaylize their roles individually. The pictures below display the creation and organization of the CSV file and then the finalized FileMaker dataset. Once in this format, I can then take more steps to further my analysis. 

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CSV file of data placed in two columns

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FileMaker Pro dataset