Further Map Work

With the main focus on the map, there is still a possibilty to create certain graphs and plots that connect each officer to certain areas in the city. Some other visualizaitons could be the displaying which areas were most diffucult to manage during the riot, what precinct saw the most violent confrontations etc.

With the major Filemaker Pro file created and all of the data from the dataset held within this file, I now moved onto creating smaller files that allow me to divide the actually locations that are contained within each precinct. 

I created several different excel files that contain information I would like to display on the neatline map in formats that allow me to easily parse through the data.

The excel file displayed below contains the precinct, captain of the precinct, and location of the precinct's station house.

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Precinct Stationhouse File

The previous image will be used to locate and plot all of the precincts for the overview page within the neatline exhibit.

Within the exhibit I will create a timeline to allow viewers a better understanding of the the temporal aspect of the Riots. To make the creation of this timeline easier, I then created an excel file that contains every location of conflict within each precinct and when the conflict occured at these locations. Most of the temporal comments within the datatset are rather vague (i.e afternoon or morning) and thus I will have to create a rough estimate of when the events actually occured.

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Location and Time excel file

Finally, to make the text that I want to display with the visualiation more presentable, I placed all of the precincts writing within a word document. I then chose specific lines to place paragraphs in the writing and make it easier to read and follow. These three extra creations that I made will allow my exhibit to flow more smoothly and create the sense of the read being within the actual Riots.

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The end result of all of these dataset creations can be found on the next page. The neatline exhibit create from this dataset allows the viewers to follow firsthand the events of the draft which are narrated by the dataset itself. Throughout all of the precincts you can see that several streets and locations were major battlegrounds during this week in 1863. 2nd and 3rd Avenue were areas in which almost every precinct visited. Broadway and the Tribune Building were frequently visisted and the neatline exhibit created allows all viewers to follow along with extreme ease and understanding.