Breakdown by Fate


This first histogram shows the distributions of ages of clergy when arrested for two different categories of clergy:  those who survived (to whom I refer as "survived incarceration"), and those who died (to whom I refer as "died while incarcerated").  The most immediate feature of this histogram is that the average clergy member who survived Dachau Concentration Camp was almost a decade younger at the time of arrest than the average clergy member who died while incarcerated.  Almost all clergy above the age of 65 at the time of arrest did not survive to liberation.  This is to be expected, as survival in a forced labor camp would demand physical fitness.

This histogram also revals that at Dachau, a significantly larger fraction of clergy survived than died while incarcerated.  However, because a larger fraction survived than died, it is instructive to consider a normalized version of the above histogram:


In the above plot, it is apparent that the distribution of those who died during incarceration at Dachau has more mass to the right of the plot, as expected.  

The histogram below shows the distributions of total incarceration times of clergy (recall that for those who died while incarcerated, the reported incarceration times are the incarceration times had they survived to liberation):


We observe that the average incarceration time for clergy who died while incarcerated is approximately half a year greater than that for clergy who survived, as one would expect.

Below is a normalized version of the same histogram:


The histograms that partition the clergy by nationality that I produced can be found here; I contextualize the trends in these histograms with the transport patterns of the Nazi regime.